Business Support
Forming New Businesses: We can help you decide which type of entity works best for your business, and then help you establish your business as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a limited liability company (LLC), or a “B,” “C,” or “S” Corporation.
Advising Businesses: We provide sound business services by working closely with financial advisors and other professionals. We advise on how to minimize the liability and risk facing officers and directors. We also help clients with preparing minutes, operating agreements, shareholder agreements, and by-laws.
Buying, Selling and Merging Businesses: We also help clients negotiate the expansion, merger or sale of their business from initial contract through closing. We work closely with financial professionals to help clients make the business, tax, and financial decisions that best fit their goals.
Not-for-Profit Corporation: We assist over 100 not-for-profit corporations, helping them create and structure their corporations, and qualify for various charitable statuses, including 501(c) tax-exempt status.
Dissolutions and Closing a Business: We can help you dissolve and close your business.
Commercial Law: We assist clients in preparing contracts and agreements to sell their goods and services, obtaining financing for business purposes, or negotiating what they need for their own business.
Employment Law: Our attorneys have 30 years of experience in handling discrimination, sexual harassment, employee benefits, affirmative action, and whistleblower litigation.
Real Estate: We represent both commercial and individual clients in all areas of real estate law, including the purchase and sale of property, construction matters, mortgages and foreclosures, zoning, landlord-tenant matters, adverse possession, and boundary line disputes.